Hoof Boots

What are boots and are they any good?
There are many boots on the market ranging in price from under one hundred to several hundred dollars a pair. They should be used on a well trimmed hoof and can be very useful if you do not use your horse very often. Owners that use their horses daily find it a bit frustrating having to put boots on and off all the time, however boots are fairly easy to fit and remove and give your horse the protection it needs when required.

Are there any problems with using boots?
No, as long as you use boots that fit the hoof correctly. If not then the boot can rub the sensitive part of the hoof and cause irritation.

Sometimes it can be a dirty job removing boots if you've ridden through mud and you don't have a hose to wash them off first. Some boots are attached with Velcro straps while others have a clip system similar to ski boots. Some of these come with a pneumatic bladder that can be inflated to give a snug fit. These are usually more expensive and are not particularly suited to hacking out in the forest as the valve can be ripped off in rough terrain.

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